Carrying on, the reason for the delayed update and seemingly abundant tidbits of news reflects my busy life as of late. I've been up to a lot, and only a little was no good (bad joke). Unfortunately, I didn't get to run in the marathon last Sunday that I'd been training for since November. I was bummed. I was very, very bummed. To date I'm still not running; the shin splint has lessened, but is still very present. Just a few more days I keep telling myself, just a few more days.
Beyond not running, I've been getting ever more anxious about the MCAT with each passing day. Many of my friends took it last weekend and I now feel the weight falling ever heavier onto my shoulders. Ideally, I'm hoping to knock it out of the park in the first go.... and by that I mean get a score above something that makes me angry, and is thus good enough to accept and never look back. That's the plan... now onto that pesky studying business. Some people study hardly at all, more study so much it makes my brain hurt and most unfortunately the results are mixed. Worse yet, a fellow TA told me she read Examkrackers and took practice tests to prepare and still bombed. Examkrackers and practice tests are literally my mode of preparation. Her review is NOT what I wanted to hear. But everyone is different, right? Right. Right... We'll see. Unfortunately "a little MCAT each day" has been off and on, but I've been kicking it more and more on, just a tidbit at a time.
Next, we have that other major thing in my life: school! Now is about the time I start wondering if I can pull off A's in my classes and stress about how there is no way I can prepare for these finals. Since I'm so used to the procedure, I'm kind of relaxing on the freak out part, but only minutely. My worst class right now is my German, and though an A- could maybe, just maybe be done, I've accepted it might not happen and am allowing the fact that its towards my minor make it not annoy me so much. My second worst class? Biology 153. In other words, my INTRO biology class. Pitiful isn't it? Oddly enough, with each test I've studied more than the one before, felt a little more confident handing it in, and received 1% lower each time. Hmm...
Finally we come to my lab work. The Undergraduate Research Symposium is this Saturday. This is when a bunch of know-nothing undergrads make their lack of good data look impressive by making the words really big and printing charts and graphs onto big boards. I'm excited to take part. If I'm lucky, mine is going to be printed as one huge glistening poster (as opposed to 9 printouts of 8.5x11 inch pieces of paper stuck to cardboard). Its all about the presentation, and heck, I could print the alphabet and some roman numerals on my shnazzy poster and still look pretty official. Why do the Yankees always when the World Series? [answer: the other team can't stop staring at the pinstripes]
Onto the pictures :)

This was actually taken in early-March just outside the door of our apartment. The snow was thick and wet and fell in huge, slow chunks. It made the whole world seem soft, quiet, and completely at ease. It truly was a wonderland. A white, dampened, slow moving wonderland.

Ah, my lab. These people come together to create something which affects a lot of my life, Dr. Lundquist's Lab. From back left and clockwise we have Patrick (graduating undergrad who works under Rafael), Rafael (grad student), Me, Adam (grad student), and Samir (in the hat, graduated undergrad who works under Adam). Not pictured are two graduate student females, plus Eric the lab technician and naturally, the boss man himself, Erik Lundquist. If you were wondering - yes, I am graduate-student-for-a-mentorless. My project is somewhat tied to the two female grad students', but instead of working with them I work under Dr. Lundquist's direction. This either makes me special, or really unlucky. I'm going with the former, just because of the feeling special part; and I wouldn't be unlucky because of anything to do with Lundquist, but rather because as a newbie undergrad, you'd rather all of your mistakes and stupid questions be buffered by a graduate student instead of heading straight for the ears or eyes of the head hauncho. To make up for this I do a pretty good job of nagging the crap out of dear Rafael, Adam and Patrick. Their good sports about it, at least to my face. In truth, at least for me, this lab is very much another family of sorts, with a distinct dynamic and structure. The group pictured in particular I enjoy the company of outside of lab as well. Miscellaneous shenanigans, KU game watching, bowling, tennis, volleyball, pool and more... my school and social life are essentially one thing. Be that good or bad, I leave to others to judge.

These are the "Scapegoats"; we play dodgeball. I was recruited by my friend Cole, the one with the goat shirt behind me, to play with them one Sunday. I thought it was a singular, one time fill in sort of deal but then they asked me to return the next week. The next thing I knew, I was an official fixture and had apparently only missed the first week of games. We had about a 10 week or so season and came out ranked #1 of 16 teams (no thanks to me)! Sunday we had the first two rounds of tournament play. It was an absolute blast, a good competition and... we are headed for the final four! I was then flattered by being voted as All-Star female by my team and get to play in the All-Star games this coming Sunday.
Now, it may seem like it doesn't take much to be a good dodgeballer, seeing as I made All-Star so quickly, but the rules aren't the same for girls. Thanks to my various athletic adventures as a kid, my hand-eye coordination is not too shabby and I'm able to catch a few balls here and there (and if you catch a ball, a player who had been knocked out can come back in). If you are a girl who can catch you're a pretty high commodity. Most of the time girls are just the left over handicap of teams, and there must be two at every game.
Anyway, this dodgeball team is fan-tastic. They are a group of people 180 degrees from those who I see any other time of the week and I love that fact to death. They are hilarious and welcoming, a whole new style of crowd and really REALLY into their dodgeball. This sport is a science, let me tell you. You have to see it to believe it. I'm honored to be a Goat. :)

I've finally begun to take advantage of my new (as of 2.5 years ago) environment of entertainment opportunities! Upon getting to KU, the only "concert" or show I'd been to was Nickelback at the KANSAS STATE FAIR in the 7th grade. Sheesh. To date I've now seen the Republic Tigers, a soloist Tyler Gregory (twice), New Inhabitants (thrice), Lawrence Street Band and Passion Pit. This picture is just after leaving The Beaumont, the venue in KCMO where Bets and I saw Passion Pit. I just realized this is the same pose I adopted after seeing Blue Man Group in Boston. Hmm.... I guess thats my excited stance.

Side note, Adam from my lab is the pianist in New Inhabitants and I've personally taken on the goal to become a superfan. Since my first taste I've made all Lawrence shows. The group itself is great, and to make it even better, I really like their music. Above are Bets and me with all but their drummer. Adam is laying across our arms.

I love this picture! It's the Brew to Brew Crew. Last year Keslie Kandt arranged the Brew to Brew and invited me to run along with many of her friends. We had a blast, and now that Kes has moved on to DU, I took it upon myself to carry on the tradition. We had 13 people this year and split ourselves into two teams. Each team then ran a relay from Boulevard Brewery in KCMO to Free State in Lawrence, a 43.5 mile distance split over 10 legs. I think I can speak for the group when I say we had a terrific day, and I was thrilled just to be involved and to have the opportunity to bring so many together for the event. I'd like to believe Keslie would be proud. The groups ended up being just about as random as random gets, a trait that I love but that also further demonstrates the variety of people in my life. I've always been more of a hodgepodge of friends collector, as opposed to a complete, homogeneous clique. ;)

A snipet from my Easter extravaganza. Rafael (from lab) treated Elizabeth, Adam (also from lab), and me to a spectacular feast. We had a special Brazilian fish entree with potatoes and vegetables, a special Brazilian candied dessert ice cream and dipped strawberries. To thank him, Bets and I brought eggs to dye. As meager of a gratitude as that may seem, it was his first time dyeing and I think it was enjoyed by all. I also find it slightly ironic that my Easter was spent with members of my science lab. Hey world, don't put us in a box now!
So as a final sign off, I leave you with a rapid list of other things presently at hand:
I ride my moped daily now, and I love it.
I'm still tutoring Aaron, tho I'm not sure he needs it most of the time.
I still love teaching intro-biology. I find I really enjoy instructing and interacting with my students.
I've purchased tickets to attend "Buzz Under the Stars" on June 4th. It is an outdoor concert featuring a few fairly good sized names (Weezer, Manchester Orchestra...). I'm inviting Kalin, Elizabeth, Jessica Parrish and Audrey Polifka to join me for my birthday hoo-hah. I'll invite more when the day nears, but these lucky ladies get the tickets bought for them.
And that, dear friends, is what I've been up too. Although I often feel my life seems little more than costume jewelry when taken day to day, I find when its strung altogether and examined, it really holds its own as a fine product, one that I'm proud to be in possession of, and excited to share with you.
typo, its Louisiana St Band, for anyone who's checking
ReplyDeleteI love it. News about my fav girl. Love you, Mom